Samstag, November 18, 2006

Good Podcasts

Okay, I have written a few times about listening to podcasts on my mobile phone (Nokia 6630), which for me is the killer app for UMTS (Yes, I got an unlimited data plan) . Maybe some of you are interested what I listen to. Here is my very subjective list of "good" podcasts:

Tech Talk:
  • This week in tech (TWIT): a classic podcast with a panel of about five people, talking about this weeks news in technology. Very entertaining and useful to stay up-to-date.
  • Cranky Geeks: really a video show, but can also be downloaded as an mp3 (and you don't really miss that much). Hosted by John C. Dvorak (also on the TWIT panel) who is quite cynical, radical, entertaining and often very funny.
Digital Photography:
  • The Digital Photography Show: Scott and Michael talk about digital photography (as the name implies). Includes also useless but entertaining banter between the two. They cover news, equipment, have usually an interview and almost always give-aways that you can win. Even I have won a book in one of their contests (I usually never win at contests!).
  • Happy Shooting (German): very entertaining talk of two guys that know a lot about (digital) photography even though they aren't pros. Useful tips and explanations.
  • Tips from the Top Floor: one of the guys from Happy Shooting in an English podcast mainly about photography in general but with a slight digital focus. Has sometimes interesting side-steps, for example sight-seeings in a kindergarten
  • Photocast Network: a network of several (very good) podcasts on photography (including the two above). Currently includes 11 podcasts, one of which is German and one Spanish.
  • Ebert & Roeper: a classic, though Mr. Ebert is seriously ill at the moment, but other people take his seat. Covers most of the big new movies every week with highly subjective but useful critique.
  • Entirely Entertaining (German and English): very good movie reviews with humor and a good opinion. Also covers a "treasure chest" every week with older, unknown movies.
  • The Voice of S60: interviews with important people in the S60 (symbian, an operating system for mobile phones) world. The first episodes were much to low in volume on my phone. Don't know if this is a general problem or just my phone and me.

That should be enough to get you through the week. It's enough for my daily commute of 2x30 minutes, at least.

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